Sklik API



Return report specified by id. Amount of data that you can get is limited.
Amount of data is counted as number_of_wanted_entities * number_of_periods_for_one_entity.
You can get data limit by method api.limits in parameter statsDataLimit.
Method returns other entity attributes(similar to deprecated list(...) method).


struct user {
string session

Session (as retrieved from client.loginByToken())

int userId

(optional) Managed user ID

string reportId

report id

struct displayOptions {

Customize output

int offset


int limit

count of items

bool allowEmptyStatistics

(optional) Return empty statistics [default: false]

array displayColumns (

show following entity attributes


column name:

  • deleteDate: delete date
  • deleted: is keyword deleted ?
  • id: keyword id
  • matchTypeId: keyword's match type
  • matchType: keyword's match type id
  • name: keyword itself
  • Campaign's id
  • Campaign's name
  • campaign.totalClicks: Total clicks for campaign
  • campaign.actualClicks: Actual clicks for campaign
  • campaign.startDate: Campaign's start date
  • campaign.endDate: Campaign's end date
  • campaign.totalBudgetFrom: Date from which total money budget is counting.
  • campaign.totalClicksFrom: Date from which total click budget is counting.
  • campaign.createDate: Campaign's create date
  • campaign.deleteDate: Campaign's Deletion date
  • campaign.deleted: Is campaign deleted?
  • campaign.context: is it context campaign?
  • campaign.fulltext: is it fulltext campaign?
  • campaign.adSelectionId: Ad selection method id
  • campaign.paymentMethodId: Payment method id
  • campaign.automaticLocation: Is automatic location enabled.
  • campaign.budgetId: Actual budget id
  • campaign.defaultBudgetId: Default budget id.
  • campaign.devicesPriceRatio: Specific ratio of max CPC/CPT for target device


struct {
array report (
struct {
datetime createDate

(optional) create date

datetime deleteDate

(optional) delete date

bool deleted

(optional) is keyword deleted ?

long id

(optional) keyword id

int matchTypeId

(optional) keyword's match type

string matchType

(optional) keyword's match type id

string name

(optional) keyword itself

struct group {


datetime createDate

(optional) create date

bool deleted

(optional) is group deleted?

datetime deleteDate

(optional) delete date

int id

(optional) group id

string name

(optional) group name

int maxCpc

(optional) maximum cpc for group's targeting

int maxCpt

(optional) maximum cpt(Cost per Thousand) for group's targeting

struct campaign {

(optional) keyword's campaign info

int actualClicks

(optional) Actual clicks

int adSelectionId

(optional) Ad selection method id

string adSelection

(optional) Ad selection method

bool automaticLocation

(optional) Is automatic location enabled.

int budgetId

(optional) Actual budget id

bool context

(optional) is it context campaign?

string contextNetwork

(optional) Name of targeted context networks

datetime createDate

(optional) create date

int defaultBudgetId

(optional) Default budget id.

int dayBudget

(optional) Day budget

bool deleted

(optional) is campaign deleted ?

datetime deleteDate

(optional) Deletion date

struct devicesPriceRatio {

(optional) Specific ratio of max CPC/CPT for target device

int desktop

Desktop/Notebook devices

int mobile

Smartphones/Mobile devices

int tablet

Tablet devices

int other

Other devices

datetime endDate

(optional) Campaign end date

int exhaustedTotalBudget

(optional) Exhausted total budget

bool fulltext

(optional) is it fulltext campaign?

int id

(optional) campaign id

string name

(optional) Campaign name

int paymentMethodId

(optional) Payment method id

string paymentMethod

(optional) Payment method

bool sharedBudget

(optional) Is budget shared?

datetime startDate

(optional) Campaign start date

int totalBudget

(optional) Total allowed budget for campaign

datetime totalBudgetFrom

(optional) Date from which the total money budget is counted

int totalClicks

(optional) Total allowed clicks for campaign

datetime totalClicksFrom

(optional) Date from which the total click budget is counted

int reportId

id of report

int status

return code

string statusMessage

verbal description of return code

string session

Refreshed session

array diagnostics (

(optional) Various diagnostics(warnings, errors, other information)

struct {

Response status codes:

List of all possible response status codes:


List of all possible diagnostics:

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