Sklik API


List assign sitelinks to provided groups.

If group has no own sitelink, but it's campaign has, you'll receive inherited sitelinks with
special "inherited" flag.


struct user {
string session

Session (as retrieved from client.loginByToken())

int userId

(optional) Managed user ID

array groupIds (

Group ID



struct {
int status

Status code (see bellow)

string statusMessage

Status code description

string session

(optional) Refreshed session

array groups (
struct {
int id

Group ID

bool inherited

Are those sitelinks inherited from campaign?

array sitelinks (
struct {
int id

Sitelink ID

string name

Sitelink name

string url

Sitelink URL

string status

Sitelink status

string administratorNode

Assigned by administrator note

datetime createDate

Creation date

bool deleted

Is sitelink deleted?

array diagnostics (

(optional) Various diagnostics(warnings, errors, other information)

struct {

Response status codes:

List of all possible response status codes:


List of all possible diagnostics:

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