Sklik API



Check ads attributes before create or update.

If the response status is 206, it means that ad does not contain errors
and will be accepted, but we still have some suggestions for it.
In this case the response still contains the diagnostics, with type=warnings.

For example, ad with errors and corresponding response looks like this:

        ..., [{
            "creative1": "!",
            "creative2": "bar",
            "creative3": "",
            "clickthruText": "",
            "clickthruUrl": "",
      diagnostics = (
        [0] = {
          field = "creative1"
          id = "exclamation_mark_in_title"
          requestId = 0
          type = "error"
        [1] = {
          field = "common"
          id = "consecutive_same_words"
          requestId = 0
          type = "warning"
        [2] = {
          field = "creative1"
          id = "missing_space_after_dot"
          requestId = 0
          type = "warning"
        [3] = {
          field = "creative3"
          id = "missing_text"
          requestId = 0
          type = "error"
      status = 406
      statusMessage = "Bad values of attributes Some element(s) has(have) bad values of attributes!"

This ad would not be accepted in ads.create() and ads.update() methods, because it contains some errors.

Another example:

        ..., [{
            "creative1": "",
            "creative2": "bar",
            "creative3": "test",
            "clickthruText": "",
            "clickthruUrl": "",
      diagnostics = (
        [0] = {
          field = "creative1"
          id = "missing_space_after_dot"
          requestId = 0
          type = "warning"
      session = "user-session-xxx"
      status = 206
      statusMessage = "Partially OK Some element(s) has(have) been processed incorrectly!"

This ad would be accepted in ads.create() and ads.update() methods, because it contains only warnings.


struct user {
string session

Session (as retrieved from client.loginByToken())

int userId

(optional) User ID

array ads (
struct {
int requestId

(optional) Chosen id to identify item in response and diagnostics

int groupId

(optional) Group ID (Useful for duplicity check before create or update.

int id

(optional) Ad ID (useful, when checking before ad update)

string adType

(optional) Type of created ad: [default: eta]

  • eta: Extended ad
  • combined: Combined ad
  • branding: Branding ad
  • dynamicBanner: Dynamic banner
string name

(optional) Ad name (only for adType in ["branding"])

string headline1

(optional) Headline 1 (only for adType="eta")

string headline2

(optional) Headline 2 (only for adType="eta")

string headline3

(optional) Headline 3 (only for adType="eta")

string path1

(optional) Part path 1 (only for adType="eta")

string path2

(optional) Part path 2 (only for adType="eta")

string longLine

(optional) Long line (only for adType="combined")

string shortLine

(optional) Short line (only for adType="combined")

string companyName

(optional) Company or brand name (only for adType="combined")

string colorAccent

(optional) (can be null) Accent color in HEX format without leading # character (only for adType="combined")

string colorMain

(optional) (can be null) Main color in HEX format without leading # character (only for adType="combined")

binary image

(optional) Image data (jpg, png, gif) (excludes: imageId, imageMeta) (only for adType in ["combined", "branding"] ; .options.checkDuplicity=False)

binary imageLogo

(optional) Image data (jpg, png, gif) (excludes: imageLogoId, imageLogoMeta) (only for adType="combined" ; .options.checkDuplicity=False)

binary imageSquare

(optional) Image data (jpg, png, gif) (excludes: imageSquareId, imageSquareMeta) (only for adType="combined" ; .options.checkDuplicity=False)

binary imageLandscapeLogo

(optional) Image data (jpg, png, gif) (excludes: imageLandscapeLogoId, imageLandscapeLogoMeta) (only for adType="combined" ; .options.checkDuplicity=False)

int imageSquareId

(optional) id square image (excludes: imageSquare, imageSquareMeta) (only for adType="combined")

int imageLogoId

(optional) (can be null) id landscape image (excludes: imageLogo, imageLogoMeta) (only for adType="combined")

int imageLandscapeLogoId

(optional) (can be null) Id image logo (excludes: imageLandscapeLogo, imageLandscapeLogoMeta) (only for adType="combined")

struct imageLogoMeta {

(optional) (can be null) logo image metadata (excludes: imageLogo, imageLogoId) (only for adType="combined" ; .options.checkDuplicity=False)

int width

image width in pixels

int height

image height in pixels

int size

image size in bytes

struct imageLandscapeLogoMeta {

(optional) (can be null) landscape image metadata (excludes: imageLandscapeLogo, imageLandscapeLogoId) (only for adType="combined" ; .options.checkDuplicity=False)

int width

image width in pixels

int height

image height in pixels

int size

image size in bytes

struct imageSquareMeta {

(optional) square image metadata (excludes: imageSquare, imageSquareId) (only for adType="combined" ; .options.checkDuplicity=False)

int width

image width in pixels

int height

image height in pixels

int size

image size in bytes

string description

(optional) Description (only for adType in ["eta", "combined"])

string description2

(optional) Description 2 (only for adType="eta")

string finalUrl

(optional) Final URL (only for adType in ["eta", "combined", "branding"])

string mobileFinalUrl

(optional) Mobile final URL (only for adType in ["eta", "combined"])

string trackingTemplate

(optional) Tracking template (only for adType in ["eta", "combined", "branding"])

string impressionTrackingTemplate

(optional) Tracking template (only for adType in ["combined", "branding"])

string impressionTrackingTemplate2

(optional) Tracking template 2 (only for adType in ["combined", "branding"])

int imageId

(optional) image id (excludes: image, imageMeta) (only for adType in ["combined", "branding"])

struct imageMeta {

(optional) image metadata (excludes: image, imageId) (only for adType in ["combined", "branding"] ; .options.checkDuplicity=False))

int width

image width in pixels

int height

image height in pixels

int size

image size in bytes

string premiseMode

(optional) Premise display mode (for connection with catalog (only for adType in ["eta", "banner"]):

  • disabled: Assigned premise is not shown
  • one: Premise specified in premiseId is shown
  • nearest: Client nearest premise is shown
int premiseId

(optional) (can be null) Premise id - for connection with catalog (only for premiseMode='one';adType in ["eta", "banner"])

int dynamicTemplateId

(optional) Id of dynamic template (only for adType="dynamicBanner")

array schedule (

(optional) (can be null) Delivery schedule of ad. Array of 7 days, week starts at monday.

struct options {

(optional) Options for checks [default: see below]

bool checkDuplicity

(optional) Check duplicity [default: True]

bool checkRules

(optional) Check all ad's rules (excludes duplicity) [default: True]

bool checkRequired

(optional) Check required parameters [default: True]



struct {
int status

Status code

string statusMessage

Status code description

string session

Refreshed session

array diagnostics (

(optional) Array of various diagnostics(warnings, errors, other information)

struct {

Response status codes:

List of all possible response status codes:


List of all possible diagnostics:

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